AWR Information Request (AIR) form

Request for information from Clients as required by the Agency Worker Regulations (AWR)

The Agency Workers Regulations (AWR) requires Agency Workers to receive the same treatment from Day 1, and after week 12, equal pay to a comparable employee (Comparator) in your organisation, or if there is no Comparator, what the individual would receive, had you recruited them directly.

We therefore record that we have requested this information from you, and ask that you complete this form in full, and return it to us as a matter of importance and urgency. The information you provide is treated as CONFIDENTIAL with only relevant elements disclosed (e.g. to the Worker), and will assist both parties to mitigate against criticism or possible prosecution.

Similarly, the Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992 (PPE Regulations) require that, where you have determined that PPE is required for our workers, we must ensure that they receive free PPE, training and monitoring of its proper use, and free replacement as required.

In order to ensure we have up to date information at all times, it is important that you inform us when there is a change of equal treatment/pay criteria and Health and Safety issues. To assist you in this process, we will ask for the information we need in this format, when you request a temporary worker (or group of workers in the same role) for a new job role, and at regular intervals thereafter.

Your form has been saved. You can complete it via this link within 60 days.